Settings screen
In top right corner of the app screen there is a gear icon with settings.
The application allows you to change several parameters:
- Dark / Light / Auto - Dark or light theme of the app. Selecting "auto" will set the theme to the one currently selected in the device.
- Version - Version of the currently running application.
- Language - Application language. Currently available languages are English and Polish. By default, the app will launch with the device's system language (if possible).
- Offline mode - Selection of offline mode. There are several possibilities listed below.
- Log out - Logging out of the mobile application.
Selection of offline mode:
- Without any internet connection - Default setting. Offline mode will be turned on if the device doesn't have any access to the Internet.
- Without Wi-Fi connection - Offline mode will be activated if the device doesn't have access to the Internet via Wi-Fi. If the device has access to the Internet via mobile network, it will not be used to transmit PurpleApp data.
- Always on - Forced permanent use of offline mode. The application will not transmit data, it will be stored in local storage.
Logging into the system requires an internet connection and working online mode. The same applies to data synchronization regarding finished work.